Source code for pykiso.test_coordinator.test_suite

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Test Suite

:module: test_suite

:synopsis: Create a generic test-suite based on the connected modules

.. currentmodule:: generic_test_suite


import logging
import unittest
from import Iterable
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Union

from .. import message
from ..interfaces.thread_auxiliary import AuxiliaryInterface
from .test_message_handler import test_app_interaction

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseTestSuite(unittest.TestCase): response_timeout = 10 def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize generic test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2 ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ # Initialize base class super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Save test information self.test_auxiliary_list = aux_list or [] self.test_suite_id = test_suite_id self.test_case_id = test_case_id self.setup_timeout = setup_timeout or BaseTestSuite.response_timeout self.run_timeout = run_timeout or BaseTestSuite.response_timeout self.teardown_timeout = teardown_timeout or BaseTestSuite.response_timeout self.test_ids = test_ids self.tag = tag
[docs] def cleanup_and_skip(self, aux: AuxiliaryInterface, info_to_print: str): """Cleanup auxiliary and log reasons. :param aux: corresponding auxiliary to abort :param info_to_print: A message you want to print while cleaning up the test """ # Log error message log.critical(info_to_print) # Send aborts to corresponding auxiliary if aux.abort_command() is not True: log.critical(f"Error occurred during abort command on auxiliary {aux}")
[docs]class BasicTestSuiteSetup(BaseTestSuite): """Inherit from unittest testCase and represent setup fixture.""" def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize generic test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ # Initialize base class super().__init__( test_suite_id, test_case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, args, kwargs, )
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_SUITE_SETUP, timeout_cmd=5 ) def test_suite_setUp(self): """Test method for constructing the actual test suite.""" pass
[docs]class BasicTestSuiteTeardown(BaseTestSuite): """Inherit from unittest testCase and represent teardown fixture.""" def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize generic test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ # Initialize base class super().__init__( test_suite_id, test_case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, args, kwargs, )
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_SUITE_TEARDOWN, timeout_cmd=5 ) def test_suite_tearDown(self): """Test method for deconstructing the actual test suite after testing it.""" pass
[docs]class BasicTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite): """Inherit from the unittest framework test-suite but build it for our integration tests.""" def __init__( self, modules_to_add_dir: str, test_filter_pattern: str, test_suite_id: int, args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize our custom unittest-test-suite. .. note:: 1. Will Load from the given path the integration test modules under test 2. Sort the given test case list by test suite/case id 3. Place Test suite setup and teardown respectively at top and bottom of test case list 4. Add sorted test case list to test suite """ # Mother class initialization super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # load test from the specified folder loader = unittest.TestLoader() found_modules =, pattern=test_filter_pattern) # sort the test case list by ascendant using test suite and test case id test_case_list = sorted(flatten(found_modules), key=tc_sort_key) # add sorted test case list to test suite self.addTests(test_case_list)
def tc_sort_key(tc): """Sort-key for testcases. will sort by test-suite/test-case, but the setup will always be first, the teardown will always be last. :param tc: a BaseTestSuite/TestCase to rank :return: key for :py:func:`sorted` :raise: any exception that occurs during test loading """ try: fix_ind = 0 if isinstance(tc, BasicTestSuiteSetup): fix_ind = -1 elif isinstance(tc, BasicTestSuiteTeardown): fix_ind = 1 elif isinstance(tc, unittest.loader._FailedTest): raise tc._exception return (fix_ind, tc.test_suite_id, tc.test_case_id) except BaseException: log.exception("Issue detected during test suite initialization!") def flatten(it): """Flatten all level of nesting. :param it: nested iterable :return: first not nested items """ for x in it: if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes)): yield from flatten(x) else: yield x