Step report

The step report aims to provide a more comprehensive test-report (adapted for system testers) by tracking each assertion that contains a message. It follows the following structure:

  • test name

  • test description

  • date of execution

  • elapsed time

  • information gathered during test

  • assertion detail: - value of the data_in - variable name of the data_in - expected value - message

  • the report is presented as an HTML page

Usage Examples

def setUp(self):
    # data to test
    device_on = True
    voltage = 3.8

    # assert
    self.assertTrue(device_on, msg="Check my device is ready")

    # assert fail but continue on error
    # test is set to failed if assertion does not succeed
    self.step_report.continue_on_error = True
    self.assertFalse(device_on, msg="Some check")

    # assert with custom message
    # assert msg overwritten when step_report_message not null
    self.step_report.message = "Custom message"
    self.assertAlmostEqual(voltage, 4, delta=1, msg="Check voltage device")

    # additional data to include in the step-report
    self.step_report.header["Version_device"] = "2022-1234"

“self.step_report.header” allows you to store data data during test

How to generate

pykiso -c my_config.yaml --step-report my_report.html