Show and export test suite tags

The pykiso-tags CLI utility takes as input YAML configuration files and passively loads all the specified test suites in order to create a test information table.

This table contains the number of test cases that will be run when providing this configuration file to pykiso and the test tags that are specified in each test suite.

Another options can be specified and the table can be exported to various formats. See:

pykiso-tags --help

A minimal invocation of the tool would be:

pykiso-tags -c kiso-testing/examples/dummy.yaml

Which results in the following output:

Start analyzing provided configuration file...

All valid configuration files have been processed successfully:

│ File name   │   Number of tests │ variant   │ branch_level   │
│ dummy.yaml  │                 7 │ variant1  │ daily          │
│             │                   │ variant3  │ nightly        │


If an environment variable without a default value is not found, the tool will skip the configuration file. Also, configuration files for Robot framework tests are not supported yet.