Source code for pykiso.auxiliary

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Auxiliary common Interface Definition

:module: auxiliary

:synopsis: base auxiliary interface

.. currentmodule:: pykiso

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import logging
import queue
import time
from typing import Any

from pykiso.logging_initializer import add_internal_log_levels
from pykiso.test_setup.config_registry import ConfigRegistry
from pykiso.types import MsgType

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AuxiliaryCommon(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Class use to encapsulate all common methods/attributes for both multiprocessing and thread auxiliary interface. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Auxiliary common attributes initialization.""" add_internal_log_levels() = None self.queue_in = None self.lock = None self.queue_out = None self.is_instance = False self.stop_event = None self._aux_copy = None self.connector_required = True def __repr__(self) -> str: name = repr_ = super().__repr__() if name: repr_ = repr_[:1] + f"{name} is " + repr_[1:] return repr_
[docs] def lock_it(self, timeout_in_s: float) -> bool: """Lock to ensure exclusivity. :param timeout_in_s: How many second you want to wait for the lock :return: True - Lock done / False - Lock failed """ return self.lock.acquire(timeout=timeout_in_s)
[docs] def unlock_it(self) -> None: """Unlock exclusivity""" self.lock.release()
[docs] def create_copy(self, *args, **config: dict) -> AuxiliaryCommon: """Create a copy of the actual auxiliary instance with the new desired configuration. .. note:: only named arguments have to be used .. warning:: the call of create_copy will automatically suspend the current auxiliary until the it copy is destroyed :param config: new desired auxiliary configuration :return: a brand new auxiliary instance :raises Exception: if positional parameters is given or unknown named parameters are given """ # only named parameters are allowed if args: raise Exception("Only use named parameters when invoking create_copy") # if a copy already exist return the actual one if self._aux_copy is not None: log.internal_warning( f"A copy of {self} already exists, destroy it before creating a new one" ) return self._aux_copy # get modified parameters based on the yaml one base_conf = modified_conf = ConfigRegistry.get_aux_config( modified_params = list(set(config) & set(base_conf)) added_params = list(set(config) - set(base_conf)) if self.is_alive(): self.suspend() # add this timeout if cc_proxy connectors are used (avoid # possible ConnectionRefusedError) time.sleep(1.100) # apply new configuration parameters values based on yaml config for name, val in base_conf.items(): if name in modified_params: modified_conf[name] = config[name] # add new parameters values (not explicitly mention in yaml) for name in added_params: modified_conf[name] = config[name] try: # create a brand new auxiliary instance self._aux_copy = self.__class__(**modified_conf) except TypeError: raise Exception( f"Unknown parameter(s) given to {} see {added_params}" ) = auto_start = getattr(self._aux_copy, "auto_start", None) if auto_start: self._aux_copy.start() self._aux_copy.create_instance() return self._aux_copy
[docs] def destroy_copy(self) -> None: """Stop the current auxiliary copy and resume the original. .. warning:: stop the copy auxiliary will automatically start the base/original one """ if self._aux_copy is not None: # delete and stop the thread properly self._aux_copy.delete_instance() self._aux_copy.stop() self._aux_copy.join() self._aux_copy = None if not self.is_alive(): self.start() if not self.is_instance: self.resume()
[docs] def run_command( self, cmd_message: MsgType, cmd_data: Any = None, blocking: bool = True, timeout_in_s: int = 0, ) -> bool: """Send a test request. :param cmd_message: command request to the auxiliary :param cmd_data: data you would like to populate the command with :param blocking: If you want the command request to be blocking or not :param timeout_in_s: Number of time (in s) you want to wait for an answer :return: True - Successfully sent / False - Failed by sending / None """ return_code = False log.internal_debug(f"sending command '{cmd_message}' in {self}") if cmd_data: log.internal_debug(f"command payload data: {repr(cmd_data)}") if self.lock.acquire(): # Trigger the internal requests self.queue_in.put(("command", cmd_message, cmd_data)) log.internal_debug(f"sent command '{cmd_message}' in {self}") # Wait until the test request was received try: log.internal_debug( f"waiting for reply to command '{cmd_message}' in {self}" ) return_code = self.queue_out.get(blocking, timeout_in_s) log.internal_debug( f"reply to command '{cmd_message}' received: '{return_code}' in {self}" ) except queue.Empty: log.internal_debug("no reply received within time") # Release the above lock self.lock.release() # Return the ack_report if exists return return_code
[docs] def abort_command(self, blocking: bool = True, timeout_in_s: float = 25) -> bool: """Force test to abort. :param blocking: If you want the command request to be blocking or not :param timeout_in_s: Number of time (in s) you want to wait for an answer :return: True - Abort was a success / False - if not """ return_code = False if self.lock.acquire(): # Trigger the internal requests self.queue_in.put("abort") # Wait until the test request was received try: return_code = self.queue_out.get(blocking, timeout_in_s) except queue.Empty: log.internal_info("no reply received within time") # Release the above lock self.lock.release() # Return the ack_report if exists return return_code
[docs] def wait_and_get_report( self, blocking: bool = False, timeout_in_s: int = 0 ) -> MsgType: """Wait for the report of the previous sent test request. :param blocking: True: wait for timeout to expire, False: return immediately :param timeout_in_s: if blocking, wait the defined time in seconds :return: a message.Message() - Message received / None - nothing received """ try: return self.queue_out.get(blocking, timeout_in_s) except queue.Empty: return None
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Force the thread to stop itself.""" if self._aux_copy is not None: # if an auxiliary copy remains just stop it before the # original one self._aux_copy.delete_instance() self._aux_copy.stop() self._aux_copy.join() self._aux_copy = None self.stop_event.set()
[docs] def resume(self) -> None: """Resume current auxiliary's run, by running the create_instance method in the background. .. warning:: due to the usage of create_instance if an issue occurred the exception AuxiliaryCreationError is raised. """ if not self.stop_event.is_set() and not self.is_instance: self.create_instance() else: log.internal_warning(f"Auxiliary '{self}' is already running")
[docs] def suspend(self) -> None: """Supend current auxiliary's run.""" if self.is_instance: self.delete_instance() else: log.internal_warning(f"Auxiliary '{self}' is already stopped")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_instance(self) -> bool: """Handle auxiliary creation.""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_instance(self) -> bool: """Handle auxiliary deletion.""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run(self) -> None: """Run function of the auxiliary.""" pass