Source code for pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.acroname_auxiliary

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Acroname Control Auxiliary

:module: acroname_auxiliary

:synopsis: Auxiliary used to control acroname usb hubs.

.. currentmodule:: acroname_auxiliary

import logging
from typing import Any, Optional

import brainstem
from brainstem.result import Result

from pykiso.interfaces.dt_auxiliary import DTAuxiliaryInterface
from pykiso.types import MsgType

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    0: "No Error occurred.",
    1: "Memory allocation/de-allocation error.",
    2: "Invalid parameters given.",
    3: "Entity, module or information not found.",
    4: "File name is to long.",
    5: "Module or resource is currently busy.",
    6: "An Input/Output error occurred.",
    7: "Invalid Mode or mode not accessible for current state.",
    8: "Write error occurred.",
    9: "Read error occurred.",
    10: "Unexpected end of file encountered.",
    11: "Resource not ready.",
    12: "Insufficient permissions.",
    13: "Request is outside of valid range.",
    14: "Size is incorrect for resource.",
    15: "Buffer was overrun or will be.",
    16: "Unable to parse command.",
    17: "Configuration is invalid.",
    18: "Timeout occurred.",
    19: "Could not initialize resource.",
    20: "Version mismatch",
    21: "Functionality unavailable or unimplemented.",
    22: "Duplicate request received.",
    23: "Request was canceled",
    24: "packet was invalid or had invalid contents.",
    25: "connection is no longer valid, or was closed.",
    26: "Requested entity does not exist.",
    27: "Command to short, not enough data to parse.",
    28: "Entity is not available, or does not exist.",
    29: "Option for given entity is invalid.",
    30: "Error allocating or acquiring a resource.",
    31: "Media not found or not available.",
    32: "Unknown error encountered.",

[docs]class AcronameAuxiliary(DTAuxiliaryInterface): """Auxiliary used to control acroname usb hubs""" MICROVOLT_TO_UNIT = {"uV": 1, "mV": 1e-3, "V": 1e-6} MICROAMP_TO_UNIT = {"uA": 1, "mA": 1e-3, "A": 1e-6} def __init__(self, serial_number: str = None, **kwargs): """Constructor :param serial_number: serial number to connect to as hex string. Example "0x66F4859B" """ super().__init__( is_proxy_capable=False, tx_task_on=False, rx_task_on=False, connector_required=False, **kwargs, ) self.serial_number = ( int(serial_number, 16) if isinstance(serial_number, str) else serial_number ) self.stem = brainstem.stem.USBHub2x4() def _create_auxiliary_instance(self) -> bool: """Open the connector. Stop auxiliary if not possible. :return: True if successful """ log.internal_info("Create auxiliary instance") result = self.stem.discoverAndConnect(, self.serial_number ) if result == (Result.NO_ERROR): result = self.stem.system.getSerialNumber() log.internal_info( "Connected to USBStem with serial number: 0x%08X" % result.value ) else: log.error("Could not connect to usb hub acroname") self.eval_result(result) return False return True def _delete_auxiliary_instance(self) -> bool: """Close the connector. :return: always True """ log.internal_info("Delete auxiliary instance") try: self.stem.disconnect() except Exception: log.exception("Unable to close usb hub acroname.") return True
[docs] @staticmethod def eval_result(result: Result) -> None: """Log error message if exist from acroname Result object. :param result: result code to evaluate """ if result != (Result.NO_ERROR): log.error(f"Error occurred: {ERROR_MESSAGES[result]}")
[docs] def set_port_enable(self, port: int) -> int: """Enable power and data lines for a USB port. :param port: the USB port number :return: brainstem error code. 0 if no error. """ result = self.stem.usb.setPortEnable(port) self.eval_result(result) return result
[docs] def set_port_disable(self, port: int) -> int: """Disable power and data lines for a USB port. :param port: the USB port number :return: brainstem error code. 0 if no error. """ result = self.stem.usb.setPortDisable(port) self.eval_result(result) return result
[docs] def get_port_current(self, port: int, unit: str = "A") -> Optional[float]: """Get the current through the power line for selected usb port. :param port: the USB port number :param unit: unit of the result in "uA", "mA" or "A". Default "A" :return: port current for given unit. None if unit is not supported. """ port_current_ua = self.stem.usb.getPortCurrent(port) self.eval_result(port_current_ua.error) try: port_current = port_current_ua.value * self.MICROAMP_TO_UNIT[unit] except KeyError: log.error( f"Unit '{unit}' is not supported. Current value will be set to None." ) return None return port_current
[docs] def get_port_voltage(self, port: int, unit: str = "V") -> Optional[float]: """Get the voltage of the selected usb port. :param port: the USB port number :param unit: unit of the result in "uV", "mV" or "V". Default "V" :return: port voltage for given unit. None if unit is not supported. """ port_voltage_uv = self.stem.usb.getPortVoltage(port) self.eval_result(port_voltage_uv.error) try: port_voltage = port_voltage_uv.value * self.MICROVOLT_TO_UNIT[unit] except KeyError: log.error( f"Unit '{unit}' is not supported. Voltage value will be set to None." ) return None return port_voltage
[docs] def get_port_current_limit(self, port: int, unit: str = "A") -> Optional[float]: """Get the current limit for the port. :param port: the USB port number :param unit: unit of the result in "uA", "mA" or "A". Default "A" :return: port current limit for given unit. None if unit is not supported. """ result = self.stem.usb.getPortCurrentLimit(port) self.eval_result(result.error) try: port_current_limit = result.value * self.MICROAMP_TO_UNIT[unit] except KeyError: log.error( f"Unit '{unit}' is not supported. Port current value will be set to None." ) return None return port_current_limit
[docs] def set_port_current_limit(self, port: int, amps: float, unit: str = "A") -> int: """Set the current limit for the port. If the set limit is not achievable, devices will round down to the nearest available current limit setting. :param port: the USB port number :param amps: value for port current to set in "uA", "mA" or "A". Default "A" :param unit: unit for the value to set. Default Ampere :return: brainstem error code. 0 if no error. """ try: micro_volt_value = int(amps / self.MICROAMP_TO_UNIT[unit]) except KeyError: log.error(f"Unit '{unit}' is not supported. Port value won't be changed") return result = self.stem.usb.setPortCurrentLimit(port, micro_volt_value) self.eval_result(result) return result
def _run_command(self, cmd_message: Any, cmd_data: Optional[bytes]) -> None: """Not used. Simply respect the interface. """ def _receive_message(self, timeout_in_s: float) -> None: """Not used. Simply respect the interface. """