Source code for pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.mp_proxy_auxiliary

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Multiprocessing Proxy Auxiliary

:module: mp_proxy_auxiliary

:synopsis: concrete implementation of a multiprocessing proxy auxiliary

This auxiliary simply spread all commands and received messages to all
connected auxiliaries. This auxiliary is only usable through mp proxy

.. code-block:: none

     ___________   ___________         ___________
    |           | |           | ..... |           |
    |   Aux 1   | |   Aux 1   |       |   Aux n   |
    |___________| |___________|       |___________|
          |             |                   |
          |             |                   |
     ___________   ___________         ___________
    |           | |           | ..... |           |
    |Proxy_con 1| |Proxy_con 2|       |Proxy_con n|
    |___________| |___________|       |___________|
          |             |                   |
          |             |                   |
          |             |                   |
    |                                             |
    |               Proxy Auxiliary               |
    |                                             |
    |               Connector Channel             |

.. currentmodule:: mp_proxy_auxiliary

import collections
import logging
import multiprocessing
import sys
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

from pykiso import AuxiliaryInterface, CChannel, MpAuxiliaryInterface
from pykiso.lib.connectors.cc_mp_proxy import CCMpProxy
from pykiso.test_setup.config_registry import ConfigRegistry
from pykiso.test_setup.dynamic_loader import PACKAGE

TraceOptions = collections.namedtuple("TraceOptions", "activate dir name")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MpProxyAuxiliary(MpAuxiliaryInterface): """Proxy auxiliary for multi auxiliaries communication handling. ..note :: this auxiliary version is using the multiprocessing auxiliary interface. """ def __init__( self, com: CChannel, aux_list: List[str], activate_trace: bool = False, trace_dir: Optional[str] = None, trace_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Initialize attributes. :param com: Communication connector :param aux_list: list of auxiliary's alias :param activate_trace: True if the trace is activate otherwise False :param trace_dir: trace directory path (absolute or relative) :param trace_name: trace full name (without file extension) """ = com self.trace_options = TraceOptions( activate=activate_trace, dir=trace_dir, name=trace_name ) self.proxy_channels = self.get_proxy_con(aux_list) self.logger: logging.Logger = None self.aux_list = aux_list super().__init__(**kwargs) def _init_trace( self, logger: logging.Logger, activate: bool, t_dir: Optional[str] = None, t_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the logging trace for proxy auxiliary received message recording and process debugging. :param logger: base logger where a FileHandler is added :param activate: True if the trace is activate otherwise False :param t_dir: trace directory path (absolute or relative) :param t_name: trace full name (without file extension) """ if not activate: return None # Just avoid the case the given trace directory is None t_dir = "" if t_dir is None else t_dir # if the given log path is not absolute add root path # (where pykiso is launched) otherwise take it as it is dir_path = ( (Path() / t_dir).resolve() if not Path(t_dir).is_absolute() else Path(t_dir) ) # if no specific logging file name is given take the default one t_name = ( time.strftime(f"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_{t_name}.log") if t_name is not None else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_proxy_logging.log") ) # if path doesn't exists take root path (where pykiso is launched) log_path = ( dir_path / t_name if dir_path.exists() else (Path() / t_name).resolve() ) # configure the file handler and create the tarce file log_format = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s : %(message)s")"create proxy trace file at {log_path}") handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path, "w+") handler.setFormatter(log_format) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(handler)
[docs] def get_proxy_con(self, aux_list: List[str]) -> Tuple[CCMpProxy]: """Retrieve all connector associated to all given existing Auxiliaries. If auxiliary alias exists but auxiliary instance was not created yet, create it immediately using ConfigRegistry _aux_cache. :param aux_list: list of auxiliary's alias :return: tuple containing all connectors associated to all given auxiliaries """ channel_inst: List[CCMpProxy] = [] for aux_name in aux_list: aux_inst = sys.modules.get(f"{PACKAGE}.auxiliaries.{aux_name}") if aux_inst is not None: self._check_compatibility(aux_inst) channel_inst.append( # check if the given aux_name is in the available aux # alias list elif aux_name in ConfigRegistry.get_auxes_alias(): log.internal_warning( f"Auxiliary : {aux_name} is not using import magic mechanism (pre-loaded)" ) # load it using ConfigRegistry _aux_cache aux_inst = ConfigRegistry._linker._aux_cache.get_instance(aux_name) self._check_compatibility(aux_inst) channel_inst.append( # the given auxiliary alias doesn't exist or refer to a # invalid one else: log.error(f"Auxiliary : {aux_name} doesn't exist") # Check if auxes/connectors are compatible with the proxy aux self._check_channels_compatibility(channel_inst) # Finally bind the physical channel to the proxy channels to # share its API to the user's auxiliaries for channel in channel_inst: channel._bind_channel_info(self) return tuple(channel_inst)
@staticmethod def _check_compatibility(aux: AuxiliaryInterface) -> None: """Check if the given auxiliary is proxy compatible. :param aux: auxiliary instance to check :raises NotImplementedError: if is_proxy_capable flag is False """ if not aux.is_proxy_capable: raise NotImplementedError( f"Auxiliary {aux} is not compatible with a proxy auxiliary" ) @staticmethod def _check_channels_compatibility(channels: List[CChannel]) -> None: """Check if all associated channels are compatible. :param channels: all channels collected by the proxy aux :raises TypeError: if the connector is not an instance of CCProxy """ for channel in channels: if not isinstance(channel, CCMpProxy): raise TypeError( f"Channel {channel} is not compatible! " f"Expected a CCMpProxy instance, got {channel.__class__.__name__}" ) def _create_auxiliary_instance(self) -> bool: """Open current associated channel. :return: if channel creation is successful return True otherwise false """ try:"Create auxiliary instance")"Enable channel") return True except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error encouting during channel creation") self.stop() return False def _delete_auxiliary_instance(self) -> bool: """Close current associated channel. :return: always True """ try:"Delete auxiliary instance") # in very rare case if a queue is populated, ITF could be # blocked in a infinite loop. This is a workaround, and not # the final implementation. self._empty_queue(self.queue_in) for conn in self.proxy_channels: self._empty_queue(conn.queue_in) self._empty_queue(conn.queue_out) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error encouting during channel closure") return True @staticmethod def _empty_queue(queue: multiprocessing.Queue) -> None: """Empty a given queue by simply calling get until queue is empty. :param queue: queue to clear """ while not queue.empty(): queue.get_nowait() def _run_command(self) -> None: """Run all commands present in each proxy connectors queue in by sending it over current associated CChannel. In addition, all commands are dispatch to others auxiliaries using proxy connector queue out. """ for conn in self.proxy_channels: if not conn.queue_in.empty(): args, kwargs = conn.queue_in.get() message = kwargs.get("msg") if message is not None: self._dispatch_command( con_use=conn, **kwargs, )*args, **kwargs) def _dispatch_command(self, con_use: CChannel, **kwargs: dict): """Dispatch the current command to others connected auxiliaries. This action is performed by populating the queue out from each proxy connectors. :param con_use: current proxy connector where the command comes from :param kwargs: named arguments """ for conn in self.proxy_channels: if conn != con_use: conn.queue_out.put(kwargs) def _abort_command(self) -> None: """Not Used.""" def _receive_message(self, timeout_in_s: float = 0) -> None: """When no request are sent this method is called by AuxiliaryInterface run method. At each message received, this method will populate each proxy connectors queue out. :param timeout_in_s: maximum amount of time in second to wait for a message. """ try: recv_response = received_data = recv_response.get("msg") # if data are received, populate connected proxy connectors # queue out if received_data is not None: self.logger.debug( f"raw data : {received_data.hex()} || channel : {}" ) for conn in self.proxy_channels: conn.queue_out.put(recv_response) except Exception: self.logger.exception( f"encountered error while receiving message via {}" )
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run function of the auxiliary process.""" # initialize logging mechanism at process startup self.initialize_loggers() # initialize trace for message recording self._init_trace(self.logger, *self.trace_options) while not self.stop_event.is_set(): # Step 1: Check if a request is available & process it request = "" # Check if a request was received if not self.queue_in.empty(): request = self.queue_in.get_nowait() # Process the request if request == "create_auxiliary_instance" and not self.is_instance: # Call the internal instance creation method self.is_instance = self._create_auxiliary_instance() # Enqueue the result for the request caller self.queue_out.put(self.is_instance) elif request == "delete_auxiliary_instance" and self.is_instance: # Call the internal instance delete method self.is_instance = not (self._delete_auxiliary_instance()) # Enqueue the result for the request caller self.queue_out.put(self.is_instance) elif request != "": # A request was received but could not be processed self.logger.warning( f"Unknown request '{request}', will not be processed!" ) # Step 2: Send stack command and propagate them to others # connected auxiliaires and check if something was received # if instance was created if self.is_instance: self._run_command() self._receive_message(timeout_in_s=0) # Free up cpu usage when auxiliary is suspended if not self.is_instance: time.sleep(0.050) # Thread stop command was set"{} was stopped".format(self)) # Delete auxiliary external instance if not done if self.is_instance: self._delete_auxiliary_instance()