Source code for pykiso.lib.connectors.cc_rtt_segger

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Communication Channel Via segger j-link

:module: cc_rtt_segger

:synopsis: channel used to enable RTT communication using Segger J-Link debugger.
    Additionally, RTT logs can be captured by setting the rtt_log_path parameter
    on the specified channel.

.. currentmodule:: cc_rtt_segger

import functools
import logging
import threading
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import pylink

from pykiso import connector
from pykiso.message import Message

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def _need_connection(f): """Decorator to check the JLink is connected and raises an error otherwise""" @functools.wraps(f) def check_before_execution(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check if Jlink is opened, else raise error :raises pylink.JLinkException: if Jlink not available """ if not self.jlink.opened(): raise pylink.JLinkException("You need to connect to a JLink first") return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return check_before_execution
[docs]def _need_rtt(f): """Decorator to check that a RTT connection has been configured and raises an error otherwise""" @functools.wraps(f) def check_before_execution(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check if Jlink is opened and RTT configured, else raise errors :raises pylink.JLinkException: if RTT config not done or Jlink not available """ if not self.jlink.opened(): raise pylink.JLinkException("You need to connect to a JLink first") if not self.rtt_configured: raise pylink.JLinkException("You need to configure RTT first") return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return check_before_execution
[docs]class CCRttSegger(connector.CChannel): """Channel using RTT to communicate through Segger J-Link debugger.""" def __init__( self, serial_number: int = None, chip_name: str = "STM32L562QE", speed: int = 4000, block_address: int = 0x2003F800, verbose: bool = False, tx_buffer_idx: int = 3, rx_buffer_idx: int = 0, rtt_log_path: Optional[str] = None, rtt_log_buffer_idx: int = 0, rtt_log_speed: float = 1000, connection_timeout: int = 5, **kwargs, ): """Initialize attributes. :param serial_number: optional segger debugger serial number (required if many connected) :param chip_name: microcontoller name (STM....) :param speed: communication speed in Hz :param block_address: start address to start RTT communication :param tx_buffer_idx: buffer index used for transmission :param rx_buffer_idx: buffer index used for reception :param verbose: boolean indicating if J-Link connection should be verbose in logging :param rtt_log_path: path to the folder where the RTT log file should be stored :param rtt_log_buffer_idx: buffer index used for RTT logging :param rtt_log_speed: number of log per second to be pulled (manage the CPU load for logging) None value fetch log at the CPU's speed. Default 1000 logs/s :param connection_timeout: available time (in seconds) to open the connection """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.serial_number = serial_number if isinstance(serial_number, int) else None self.chip_name = chip_name self.speed = speed self.block_address = block_address self.tx_buffer_idx = tx_buffer_idx self.rx_buffer_idx = rx_buffer_idx self.verbose = verbose self.jlink = None self.connection_timeout = connection_timeout self.rtt_log_buffer_idx = rtt_log_buffer_idx self.rx_buffer_size = None # initialize rtt logging specific parameters self.rtt_configured = False self._log_thread_running = False self.rtt_log_refresh_time = round(1 / rtt_log_speed, 6) if rtt_log_speed else 0 self.rtt_log_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.receive_log) self.rtt_log_path = rtt_log_path self.rtt_log = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}{serial_number or ''}.RTT") if self.rtt_log_path is not None: self.rtt_log_buffer_size = 0 self.rtt_log_path = Path(rtt_log_path) # if log folder does not exists create it during process self.rtt_log_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) rtt_fh = logging.FileHandler(self.rtt_log_path / "rtt.log") rtt_fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.rtt_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.rtt_log.addHandler(rtt_fh)
[docs] def read_target_memory( self, addr: int, num_units: int, zone: str = None, nbits: int = 32 ) -> Optional[list]: """Read the given target's memory units and the given address. .. note:: The optional ``zone`` specifies a memory zone to access to read from, e.g. ``IDATA``, ``DDATA``, or ``CODE``. .. warning:: The given number of bits, if provided, must be either ``8``, ``16``, or ``32``. If not provided, always reads 32 bits. :param addr: start address to read from :param num_units: number of units to read :param zone: optional memory zone name to access :param nbits: number of bits to use for each unit :return: List of units read from the target. """ mem_vals = None try: mem_vals = self.jlink.memory_read(addr, num_units, zone, nbits) except pylink.errors.JLinkException: log.exception(f"encountered error while reading memory at {hex(addr)}") except ValueError: log.exception("wrong number of bits given : must be 8, 16 or 32 bits") return mem_vals
[docs] def _cc_open(self) -> None: """Connect debugger/microcontroller. This method proceed to the following actions : - create a JLink class instance - connect to the debugger(using open method) - set debugger interface to SWD - connect debugger to the specified chip - start RTT communication - start RTT Logging the specified channel if activated :raise JLinkRTTException: if connection timeout occurred. """ self.jlink = pylink.JLink() # connect to J-Link debugger if not self.jlink.opened(): log.internal_info( f"connection made with J-Link debugger {self.serial_number}" ) else: log.internal_debug("connection to J-Link already started") # set target interface to SWD self.jlink.set_tif(pylink.enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) # connect debugger to the specified target self.jlink.connect( chip_name=self.chip_name, speed=self.speed, verbose=self.verbose ) log.internal_debug( f"connection to chip {self.chip_name} performed at speed {self.speed}Hz" ) # reset debugger if halted if self.jlink.halted(): log.internal_info( f"J-Link is halted, reset target and wait for {self.connection_timeout}s" ) self.jlink.reset(halt=False) time.sleep(self.connection_timeout) # start rtt at the specified address self.jlink.rtt_start(self.block_address) log.internal_info(f"RTT communication started at address {self.block_address}") t_start = time.perf_counter() while True: try: num_up = self.jlink.rtt_get_num_up_buffers() num_down = self.jlink.rtt_get_num_down_buffers() log.internal_debug( f"RTT started. Found {num_up} up and {num_down} down channels." ) # get rx buffer size rx_buffer = self.jlink.rtt_get_buf_descriptor(self.rx_buffer_idx, True) self.rx_buffer_size = rx_buffer.SizeOfBuffer log.internal_debug( f"Maximum size for a received message set to {self.rx_buffer_size}" ) self.rtt_configured = True break except pylink.errors.JLinkRTTException: time.sleep(0.1) # Exit the while loop once timeout is reached if time.perf_counter() > (t_start + self.connection_timeout): raise # start rtt logging thread on buffer index rtt_log_buffer_idx if self.rtt_log_path is not None: try: rtt_log_buffer = self.jlink.rtt_get_buf_descriptor( self.rtt_log_buffer_idx, True ) self.rtt_log_buffer_size = rtt_log_buffer.SizeOfBuffer if self.rtt_log_buffer_size == 0: raise ValueError log.internal_debug( f"RTT log buffer size is {self.rtt_log_buffer_size} bytes" ) except ValueError: log.internal_debug("Read RTT log buffer size is 0, defaulting to 1kB") self.rtt_log_buffer_size = 1024 except pylink.errors.JLinkRTTException as e: log.error(f"Could not get RTT log buffer size: {e}") if self.rtt_log_buffer_idx not in range(num_up + 1): log.error(f"Buffer index must be at most {num_up}") self.rtt_log_buffer_idx = 0 self.rtt_log_buffer_size = 1024 finally: self._log_thread_running = True self.rtt_log_thread.start() log.internal_info("RTT logging started")
[docs] def _cc_close(self) -> None: """Close current RTT communication in use.""" if self.jlink is not None: if self._log_thread_running: self._log_thread_running = False self.rtt_log_thread.join() self.jlink.rtt_stop() self.jlink.close() log.internal_info("RTT communication closed")
[docs] def _cc_send(self, msg: bytes) -> None: """Send message using the corresponding RTT buffer. :param msg: message to send, should be bytes. """ try: msg = list(msg) bytes_written = self.jlink.rtt_write(self.tx_buffer_idx, msg) log.internal_debug( "===> message sent (RTT) on buffer %d: %s, number of bytes written: %d", self.tx_buffer_idx, msg, bytes_written, ) except Exception: log.exception( f"ERROR occurred while sending {len(msg)} bytes on buffer {self.tx_buffer_idx}" )
[docs] def _cc_receive( self, timeout: float = 0.1, size: int = None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, Optional[bytes]]: """Read message from the corresponding RTT buffer. :param timeout: timeout applied on receive event :param size: maximum amount of bytes to read :return: dictionary containing the received bytes if successful, otherwise None """ is_timeout = False # maximum amount of bytes to read out size = size or self.rx_buffer_size t_start = time.perf_counter() # rtt_read is not a blocking method due to this fact a while loop is used # to act like a blocking ones. while not is_timeout: try: # Read the message header or all of the buffer msg_received = self.jlink.rtt_read(self.rx_buffer_idx, size) # if a message is received if msg_received: # Parse the bytes list into bytes string msg_received = bytes(msg_received) log.internal_debug( "<=== message received (RTT) on buffer %d: %s, number of bytes read: %d", self.rx_buffer_idx, msg_received, len(msg_received), ) break except Exception: log.exception( f"encountered error while receiving message via {self} on buffer {self.rx_buffer_idx}" ) return {"msg": None} # Exit the while loop once timeout is reached if time.perf_counter() > (t_start + timeout): is_timeout = True msg_received = None return {"msg": msg_received}
[docs] @_need_rtt def receive_log(self) -> None: """Receive RTT log messages from the corresponding RTT buffer.""" while self._log_thread_running: # receive at most rtt_log_buffer_size of RTT logs log_msg = self.jlink.rtt_read( self.rtt_log_buffer_idx, self.rtt_log_buffer_size ) if log_msg: self.rtt_log.internal_debug(bytes(log_msg).decode()) time.sleep(self.rtt_log_refresh_time) # reduce resource consumption
[docs] @_need_connection def reset_target(self, wait_time: int = 100, halt: bool = False) -> None: """Reset target via JLink. :param wait_time: Amount of milliseconds to delay after reset :param halt: if the CPU should halt after reset """"Reset Target") self.jlink.enable_reset_pulls_reset() self.jlink.reset(wait_time, halt)