Source code for pykiso.lib.connectors.cc_uart

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Communication Channel Via Uart

:module: cc_uart

:synopsis: Uart communication channel

.. currentmodule:: cc_uart


import struct
import time
from typing import Optional

import serial

from pykiso import connector, message

[docs]class IncompleteCCMsgError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class CCUart(connector.CChannel): """UART implementation of the coordination channel.""" headerSize = 8 payloadLengthIndex = 7 WAITING_FOR_START = 0 RECEIVING_HEADER = 1 RECEIVING_PAYLOAD = 2 RECEIVED_DONE = 3 START = 0xC0 ESC = 0xDB ESC_START = 0xDC ESC_ESC = 0xDD def __init__(self, serialPort, baudrate=9600, **kwargs): # Initialize the super class super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the serial connection self.serial = serial.Serial(timeout=1) self.serial.port = serialPort self.serial.baudrate = baudrate self.serial.paritiy = serial.PARITY_NONE # Set a timeout to send the signal to the GIL to change thread. # In case of a multi-threading system, all tasks will be called one after the other. self.timeout = 1e-6
[docs] def _cc_open(self):
[docs] def _cc_close(self): self.serial.close()
[docs] def _cc_send(self, msg): rawPacket = msg.serialize() # Use CRC to verify content crc = self._calculate_crc32(rawPacket) rawPacket = struct.pack(">H", crc) + rawPacket # Force big endian notation self._send_using_slip(rawPacket)
[docs] def _cc_receive(self, timeout=0.00001): self.serial.timeout = timeout or self.timeout receivingState = self.WAITING_FOR_START bytesToRead = 10 rawPacket = [] while bytesToRead > 0: singleByteRead = if 0 == len(singleByteRead): return None if self.WAITING_FOR_START == receivingState: if self.START == singleByteRead[0]: receivingState = self.RECEIVING_HEADER else: if self.START == singleByteRead[0]: bytesToRead = 10 rawPacket = [] receivingState = self.RECEIVING_HEADER # TODO: dei9bue something went wrong else: bytesToRead -= 1 if self.ESC == singleByteRead[0]: singleByteRead = if self.ESC_START == singleByteRead[0]: rawPacket.append(self.START) elif self.ESC_ESC == singleByteRead[0]: rawPacket.append(self.ESC) else: rawPacket.append(singleByteRead[0]) if 0 == bytesToRead: if self.RECEIVING_HEADER == receivingState: bytesToRead = singleByteRead[0] if bytesToRead: receivingState = self.RECEIVING_PAYLOAD else: receivingState = self.RECEIVED_DONE elif self.RECEIVING_PAYLOAD == receivingState: receivingState = self.RECEIVED_DONE if receivingState == self.RECEIVED_DONE: expectedCRC = ((rawPacket[0] & 0xFF) << 8) + (rawPacket[1] & 0xFF) rawPacket = rawPacket[2 : len(rawPacket)] calculatedCRC = self._calculate_crc32(rawPacket) if calculatedCRC != expectedCRC: return None # Reception was a success, we need now to convert the list into a array of bytes binary_message = b"".join(struct.pack("B", value) for value in rawPacket) return message.Message.parse_packet(binary_message)
def _send_using_slip(self, rawPacket): self.serial.write(self.START.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")) for aByte in rawPacket: if aByte == self.START: self.serial.write(self.ESC.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")) self.serial.write(self.ESC_START.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")) elif aByte == self.ESC: self.serial.write(self.ESC.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")) self.serial.write(self.ESC_ESC.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")) else: self.serial.write(aByte.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")) time.sleep(0.01) self.serial.flushOutput() return def _calculate_crc32(self, buffer): crc = 0 CRC_BIT_SHIFT_4 = 4 CRC_BIT_SHIFT_5 = 5 CRC_BIT_SHIFT_8 = 8 CRC_BIT_SHIFT_12 = 12 CRC_BYTE_MASK = 0xFF for aByte in buffer: crc = ((crc >> (CRC_BIT_SHIFT_8)) | (crc << (CRC_BIT_SHIFT_8))) & 0xFFFF crc = (crc ^ (aByte & CRC_BYTE_MASK)) & 0xFFFF crc = (crc ^ (crc & (CRC_BYTE_MASK)) >> (CRC_BIT_SHIFT_4)) & 0xFFFF crc = (crc ^ ((crc << (CRC_BIT_SHIFT_12)) & 0xFFFF)) & 0xFFFF crc = (crc ^ (crc & (CRC_BYTE_MASK)) << (CRC_BIT_SHIFT_5)) & 0xFFFF return crc & 0xFFFF