Source code for pykiso.test_result.assert_step_report

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Create a Step report

:module: assert_step_report

:synopsis: Provide a detailed test view containing:
    - test name
    - test description
    - date of execution + elapsed time
    - information gathered during test
    - assertion detail: data_in, variable
        name of the data_in, expected, message

.. currentmodule:: assert_step_report

import functools
import inspect
import linecache
import logging
import re
import sys
import types
import typing
import unittest
from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union
from import TestCase, _SubTest

import jinja2

from .text_result import BannerTestResult
from .xml_result import TestInfo, XmlTestResult

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Global variables
# Store the Result Step report
ALL_STEP_REPORT = OrderedDict()
# Step result keys used by Jinja for columns name
REPORT_KEYS = ["message", "var_name", "expected_result", "actual_result", "succeed"]
# Parent method being reported ; Ignore sub call (assert in an assert)
_FUNCTION_TO_APPLY = r"|".join(["test", "setup", "teardown", "handle_interaction"])

# Jinja template location
SCRIPT_PATH = str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent)
REPORT_TEMPLATE = "templates/report_template.html.j2"

[docs]@dataclass class StepReportData: # Store additional data fetched during test for # the step-report (even if not activated) header: dict = field(default_factory=dict) # Message for step in report message: str = "" # Test succeed flag # Set to false if one or more steps fail success: bool = True # Error message on step fail last_error_message: str = "" # Current report table current_table: typing.Optional[str] = None
def _get_variable_name(f_back: types.FrameType, assert_name: str) -> str: """Get the input parameter name to the assert method. According to unittest.TestCase, it is always placed first. That function read the source code as a text to find it. :param f_back: frame calling the assert method :param: assert_name: current assert method name return: variable name """ expected_varname = "" # Get source code lines file = inspect.getsourcefile(f_back) # Get current line number line_no = f_back.f_lineno # For multiline statements, the current frame points to the last line in python < 3.8 # and to the first line in python >= 3.8 first_line = sys.version_info >= (3, 8) # Get line content line = linecache.getline(file, line_no) lines = line if first_line: # pragma: no cover # Read top down, count parentheses to find last line of assert statement open_parentheses, closed_parentheses = line.count("("), line.count(")") while open_parentheses != closed_parentheses: line_no += 1 line = linecache.getline(file, line_no) lines += line open_parentheses += line.count("(") closed_parentheses += line.count(")") else: # Read bottom up until the assert method is reached while assert_name not in line: line_no -= 1 previous_line = linecache.getline(file, line_no) lines = previous_line + line line = previous_line # remove line breaks and spaces lines = lines.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "") # remove current assert function name lines = re.split(rf".*{assert_name}\(", lines)[1] # Check the variable start names if re.findall(r"^[a-zA-Z]", lines): # Get variable name expected_varname = re.findall(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+", lines)[0] return expected_varname def _get_expected(func_name: str, arguments: dict) -> str: """Get the assertion purpose and the expected value :param func_name: name of the assertion function :param arguments: argument of the function eg: {arg_name: value} :return: expected value """ # Get assertion purpose (eg: get Equal from assertEqual) name = re.findall(r"([A-Z][a-z]+)", func_name) expected = " ".join(name) # Get expected value and parameters if exist # eg: assertAlmostEqual(50, 60, msg="message", delta=10) # but assertTrue(var1, "message") -> nothing else to do if len(arguments) >= 3: # Parameters not known in advance. # Remove the "input value" and the "msg". arguments_keys = list(arguments.keys()) args = arguments.copy() args.pop("msg", None) # "input value" always 1st position args.pop(arguments_keys[0], None) # "expected value" always 2nd position expected_val = args.pop(arguments_keys[1], None) # Add expected value to string expected += f" to {str(expected_val)}" # Add the additional parameter if exist if args: # only param are left in args expected += "; with" for key, value in args.items(): expected += f" {key}={value}," # remove the coma from last loop expected = expected[:-1] return expected def _prepare_report(test:, test_name: str) -> None: """Make ALL_STEP_REPORT variable ready for update Create the tree if required, otherwise, does nothing - CurrentTestClass - header: additional data - description: test description from test_run - file_path: test file location - time_result: start/end/elapsed time - test_list: store the steps result - test_name: list of steps :param test: test to be reported :param test_name: name of the function being tested """ global ALL_STEP_REPORT test_class_name = type(test).__name__ # Create the testClass if not ALL_STEP_REPORT.get(test_class_name): ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name] = OrderedDict() # Add test succeed flag ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["succeed"] = True # Add header (mutable object -> dictionary fed during test) ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["header"] = test.step_report.header # Add description of the test -> Always test_run ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["description"] = ( test._testMethodDoc or "Not provided" ) # Add test file path ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["file_path"] = inspect.getfile(type(test)) # Store the result (start, stop, elapsed time) ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["time_result"] = OrderedDict() ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["time_result"]["Start Time"] = 0 # Store the tests list ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["test_list"] = OrderedDict() # Create the current test step storage if not ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["test_list"].get(test_name): ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["test_list"][test_name] = [] def _add_step( test_class_name: str, test_name: str, message: str, var_name: str, expected: typing.Any, received: typing.Any, ): global ALL_STEP_REPORT, REPORT_KEYS ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["test_list"][test_name].append( dict(zip(REPORT_KEYS, [message, var_name, expected, received, True])) )
[docs]def assert_decorator(assert_method: types.MethodType): """Decorator to gather assertion information - MyTestClass - header: additional data - description: test purpose - file_path: test location - time_result: start/end/elapsed time - test_list: store the steps result - setUp : list of assert - test_run: list of assert .. note:: header is based on the variable ``step_report_header`` and description is based on the docstring of the test_run method .. code:: python MyTest(pykiso.BasicTest): def test_run(self): '''Here is my test description''' self.step_report.header["Voltage"] = 5 :param func: function to decorate (expected assert method) return: The func output if it exists. Otherwise, None """ @functools.wraps(assert_method) def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Decorator Main Fetch the assert step: message, var_name, expected, received return: The assertion method output if it exists. Otherwise, None """ global _FUNCTION_TO_APPLY try: # Context currentframe = inspect.currentframe() f_back = currentframe.f_back test_name = f_back.f_code.co_name test_case_inst: TestCase = assert_method.__self__ test_class_name = type(test_case_inst).__name__ assert_name = assert_method.__name__ # filter parent call, only known function recorded parent_method = re.findall(_FUNCTION_TO_APPLY, test_name.lower()) if parent_method: # get the decorated test fixture name (setUp, tearDown, ...) if parent_method[0] == "handle_interaction": test_name = f_back.f_locals["func"].__name__ # Assign variables to signature signature = inspect.signature(assert_method) arguments = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs).arguments test_name = test_case_inst.step_report.current_table or test_name # 1. Gather message, var_name, expected, received # 1.1 Get message. default value: "" if test_case_inst.step_report.message: message = test_case_inst.step_report.message test_case_inst.step_report.message = "" else: message = arguments.get("msg", "") # ensure message is always present in the arguments # dictionary. (used in _get_expected) if not message and "msg" in signature.parameters: arguments["msg"] = "" # 1.2. Get 'received" value (Always 1st argument) received = list(arguments.values())[0] # 1.3. Get variable name var_name = _get_variable_name(f_back, assert_name) # 1.4. Get Expected value expected = _get_expected(assert_name, arguments) # 2. Update report data # 2.1 Ensure report ready for update _prepare_report(test_case_inst, test_name) # 2.2. Add new step _add_step( test_class_name, test_name, message, var_name, expected, received ) except Exception as e: log.error(f"Unable to update Step due to exception: {e}") # Run the assert method and mark the test as failed if the AssertionError is raised try: return assert_method(*args, **kwargs) except test_case_inst.failureException as e: log.error(f"Assert step exception: {e}") test_case_inst.step_report.last_error_message = f"{e}" if parent_method: ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["test_list"][test_name][-1][ "succeed" ] = False ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["succeed"] = False test_case_inst.step_report.success = False # repeat the assertion failure as first element in the traceback frame = currentframe.f_back tb = types.TracebackType(None, frame, frame.f_lasti, frame.f_lineno) raise e.with_traceback(tb) return func_wrapper
def _parse_timestamp(timestamp: float) -> str: """Parse timestamp to date: alike 31/12/2021 23:59:59 :param timestamp: Seconds since 01/01/1970 :return: the date string """ dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) return dt.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")
[docs]def is_test_success(test: List) -> bool: """Check if test was successful. :param tests: test :return: True if each step in a test was successful else False """ return all([step["succeed"] for step in test])
jinja_template_functions = { "is_test_success": is_test_success, }
[docs]def generate_step_report( test_result: Union[BannerTestResult, XmlTestResult], output_file: str, ) -> None: """Generate the HTML step report based on Jinja2 template :param test_result: Result of tests to generate the report from :param output_file: Report output file path """ global ALL_STEP_REPORT, SCRIPT_PATH, REPORT_TEMPLATE"Generating HTML reports...") succeeded_tests = test_result.successes + test_result.expectedFailures failed_test = ( test_result.failures + test_result.errors + test_result.unexpectedSuccesses ) # Update info for each test for test_case in succeeded_tests + failed_test: if isinstance(test_case, (TestCase, TestInfo)): # Case of success test_info = test_case elif isinstance(test_case, tuple) and isinstance( test_case[0], (TestCase, TestInfo) ): # Case of non success test_info = test_case[0] if isinstance(test_info, _SubTest): class_name = test_info.test_case.__class__.__name__ start_time = _parse_timestamp(test_info.test_case.start_time) stop_time = _parse_timestamp(test_info.test_case.stop_time) elapsed_time = test_info.test_case.elapsed_time elif isinstance(test_info, TestCase): class_name = test_info.__class__.__name__ start_time = _parse_timestamp(test_info.start_time) stop_time = _parse_timestamp(test_info.stop_time) elapsed_time = test_info.elapsed_time elif isinstance(test_info, TestInfo): # test_info is TestInfo class_name = test_info.test_name.split(".")[-1] start_time = _parse_timestamp(test_info.test_result.start_time) stop_time = _parse_timestamp(test_info.test_result.stop_time) elapsed_time = test_info.elapsed_time # Update test_case if class_name in ALL_STEP_REPORT: ALL_STEP_REPORT[class_name]["time_result"]["Start Time"] = start_time ALL_STEP_REPORT[class_name]["time_result"]["End Time"] = stop_time ALL_STEP_REPORT[class_name]["time_result"]["Elapsed Time"] = round( elapsed_time, 2 ) # Render the source template render_environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(SCRIPT_PATH)) template = render_environment.get_template(REPORT_TEMPLATE) template.globals.update(jinja_template_functions) output_text = template.render({"ALL_STEP_REPORT": ALL_STEP_REPORT}) output_file = Path(output_file).resolve() output_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Write the output into the output file with"w") as report_file: report_file.write(output_text)