Version 0.21.1

Remove redundancy of activate_log configuration parameter

In order to activate external loggers, it was previously necessary to specify their names for each defined auxiliary.

This is no longer the case and specifying them in only one auxiliary will be enough for the loggers to stay enabled.

Internal creation of proxy auxiliaries

It is no longer necessary to manually define a ProxyAuxiliary with CCProxy instances yourself. If you simply pass the communication channel to each auxiliary that has to share it, pykiso will do the rest for you.

For more information see Sharing a communication channel between multiple auxiliaries

Better skipping of test cases based on tags

The test case filtering strategy based on the test tags has been reworked. The resulting skipped test cases now appear explicitly as skiped in the test run output

For more information refer to Filter the test cases to run with tags

Ykush Auxiliary

Auxiliary that can be used to power on and off the ports of an Ykush USB Hub.

See ykush_auxiliary

Multiple auxiliaries can share a communication channel

see Sharing a communication channel between multiple auxiliaries

Remove raw from connector functions

The functions cc_receive and cc_send for every connector no longer take raw as an argument.

Results can be exported on TestRail

see Export results on TestRail

Step report

Tests are now foldable items.