Source code for pykiso.test_coordinator.test_case

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Generic Test

:module: test_case

:synopsis: Basic extensible implementation of a TestCase, and of a Remote
    TestCase for Message Protocol / TestApp usage.

.. currentmodule:: test_case

.. note:: TODO later on will inherit from a metaclass to get the id parameters
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
import unittest
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union

import pykiso.test_result.assert_step_report as step_report

from .. import message
from ..auxiliary import AuxiliaryInterface
from ..logging_initializer import get_logging_options, initialize_logging
from .test_message_handler import test_app_interaction

    from .test_suite import BaseTestSuite

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BasicTest(unittest.TestCase): """Base for test-cases.""" def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ): """Initialize generic test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary allowing users to filter the tests based on the keys and their value. """ # Initialize base class super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Save list of test auxiliaries to use (already initialize) self.test_auxiliary_list = aux_list or [] # Save test information self.test_suite_id = test_suite_id self.test_case_id = test_case_id self.test_ids = test_ids self.tag = tag self.start_time = self.stop_time = self.elapsed_time = 0 if any([setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout]) and not isinstance( self, RemoteTest ): log.warning( "BasicTest does not support test timeouts, it will be discarded" )
[docs] def cleanup_and_skip(self, aux: AuxiliaryInterface, info_to_print: str) -> None: """Cleanup auxiliary and log reasons. :param aux: corresponding auxiliary to abort :param info_to_print: A message you want to print while cleaning up the test """ # Log error message log.critical(info_to_print) # Send aborts to corresponding auxiliary if aux.send_abort_command(timeout=10) is not True: log.critical(f"Error occurred during abort command on auxiliary {aux}")
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: """Startup hook method to execute code before each test method.""" pass
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None: """Closure hook method to execute code after each test method.""" pass
[docs]class RemoteTest(BasicTest): """Base test-cases for Message Protocol / TestApp usage.""" response_timeout: int = 10 def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ): """Initialize TestApp test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ super().__init__( test_suite_id, test_case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, *args, **kwargs, ) self.setup_timeout = setup_timeout or RemoteTest.response_timeout self.run_timeout = run_timeout or RemoteTest.response_timeout self.teardown_timeout = teardown_timeout or RemoteTest.response_timeout
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_CASE_SETUP, timeout_cmd=5 ) def setUp(self) -> None: """Startup hook method to execute code before each test method.""" pass
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_CASE_RUN, timeout_cmd=5 ) def test_run(self) -> None: """Hook method from unittest in order to execute test case.""" pass
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_CASE_TEARDOWN, timeout_cmd=5 ) def tearDown(self) -> None: """Closure hook method to execute code after each test method.""" pass
[docs]def define_test_parameters( suite_id: int = 0, case_id: int = 0, aux_list: List[AuxiliaryInterface] = None, setup_timeout: Optional[int] = None, run_timeout: Optional[int] = None, teardown_timeout: Optional[int] = None, test_ids: Optional[dict] = None, tag: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, ): """Decorator to fill out test parameters of the BasicTest and RemoteTest automatically.""" def generate_modified_class( DecoratedClass: Type[Union[BasicTest, BaseTestSuite]] ) -> Type[Union[BasicTest, BaseTestSuite]]: """For basic test-case, generates the same class but with the test IDs already filled. It works as a partially filled-out call to the __init__ method. """ class NewClass(DecoratedClass): """Modified {DecoratedClass.__name__}, with the __init__ method already filled out with the following test-parameters: Suite ID: {suite_id} Case ID: {case_id} Auxiliaries: {auxes} setup_timeout: {setup_timeout} run_timeout: {run_timeout} teardown_timeout: {teardown_timeout} test_ids: {test_ids} tag: {tag} """ @functools.wraps(DecoratedClass.__init__) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NewClass, self).__init__( suite_id, case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, *args, **kwargs, ) NewClass.__doc__ = DecoratedClass.__doc__ # Used to display the current test module in the test result NewClass.__module__ = DecoratedClass.__module__ # Passing the name of the decorated class to the new returned class # in order to get the test case name and references, i.e. suite_id and case_id # in the test results in the console and in the report. # Changing __name__ is necessary to make the test name appear in the test results in the console. # Changing __qualname__ is necessary to make the test name appear in the test results in the report. ids = "" if suite_id == 0 and case_id == 0 else f"-{suite_id}-{case_id}" NewClass.__name__ = f"{DecoratedClass.__name__}{ids}" NewClass.__qualname__ = f"{DecoratedClass.__qualname__}{ids}" return NewClass return generate_modified_class
[docs]def retry_test_case( max_try: int = 2, rerun_setup: bool = False, rerun_teardown: bool = False, stability_test: bool = False, ): """Decorator: retry mechanism for testCase. The aim is to cover the 2 following cases: - Unstable test : get the test pass within the {max_try} attempt - Stability test : run {max_try} time the test expecting no error The **retry_test_case** comes with the possibility to re-run the setUp and tearDown methods automatically. :param max_try: maximum number of try to get the test pass. :param rerun_setup: call the "setUp" method of the test. :param rerun_teardown: call the "tearDown" method of the test. :param stability_test: run {max_try} time the test and raise an exception if an error occurs. :return: None, a testCase is not supposed to return anything. :raise Exception: if stability_test, the exception that occurred during the execution; if not stability_test, the exception that occurred at the last try. """ def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def func_wrapper(self: BasicTest) -> None: # track the current execution for logging current_execution = None test_class_name = type(self).__name__ # Prepare report for the current test so we can get the current result for the class if getattr(self, "step_report", False) and self.step_report.header: step_report._prepare_report(self, self._testMethodName) result_test = step_report.ALL_STEP_REPORT[test_class_name]["succeed"] for retry_nb in range(1, max_try + 1): try: # by the 2nd attempt, end the test with the teardown and start with setUp if retry_nb > 1: if rerun_teardown: current_execution = self.tearDown self.tearDown() if rerun_setup: current_execution = self.setUp self.setUp() # run the method (eg: test_run(self)) current_execution = func func(self) if not stability_test: break else: # Clearly separate tests f">>>>>>>>>> Stability test {retry_nb}/{max_try} succeed <<<<<<<<<<" ) except Exception as e: # log: test_name (class), method (setUp, test_run, tearDown) and the error. log.warning( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{current_execution.__name__} failed with exception: {e}." ) # raise the exception that occurred during the latest attempt if retry_nb == max_try or stability_test: log.error( f">>>>>>>>>> Test {retry_nb}/{max_try} failed <<<<<<<<<<" ) raise e elif ( getattr(self, "step_report", False) and self.step_report.header ): step_report.add_retry_information( self, result_test, retry_nb, max_try, e ) # print counter only after failing test to avoid spamming the console">>>>>>>>>> Attempt: {retry_nb +1}/{max_try} <<<<<<<<<<") return func_wrapper return decorator