Source code for pykiso.test_coordinator.test_case

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Generic Test

:module: test_case

:synopsis: Basic extensible implementation of a TestCase, and of a Remote
TestCase for Message Protocol / TestApp usage.

.. currentmodule:: test_case

.. note:: TODO later on will inherit from a metaclass to get the id parameters

import functools
import logging
import unittest
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from .. import message
from ..interfaces.thread_auxiliary import AuxiliaryInterface
from ..logging_initializer import get_logging_options, initialize_logging
from .test_message_handler import test_app_interaction

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def retry_test_case( max_try: int = 2, rerun_setup: bool = False, rerun_teardown: bool = False, stability_test: bool = False, ): """Decorator: retry mechanism for testCase. The aim is to cover the 2 following cases: - Unstable test : get the test pass within the {max_try} attempt - Stability test : run {max_try} time the test expecting no error The **retry_test_case** comes with the possibility to re-run the setUp and tearDown methods automatically. :param max_try: maximum number of try to get the test pass. :param rerun_setup: call the "setUp" method of the test. :param rerun_teardown: call the "tearDown" method of the test. :param stability_test: run {max_try} time the test and raise an exception if an error occurs. :return: None, a testCase is not supposed to return anything. :raise Exception: if stability_test, the exception that occurred during the execution; if not stability_test, the exception that occurred at the last try. """ def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def func_wrapper(self) -> None: # track the current execution for logging current_execution = None for retry_nb in range(1, max_try + 1): try: # by the 2nd attempt, end the test with the teardown and start with setUp if retry_nb > 1: if rerun_teardown: current_execution = self.tearDown self.tearDown() if rerun_setup: current_execution = self.setUp self.setUp() # run the method (eg: test_run(self)) current_execution = func func(self) if not stability_test: break else: # Clearly separate tests f">>>>>>>>>> Stability test {retry_nb}/{max_try} succeed <<<<<<<<<<" ) except Exception as e: # log: test_name (class), method (setUp, test_run, tearDown) and the error. log.warning( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{current_execution.__name__} failed with exception: {e}." ) # raise the exception that occurred during the latest attempt if retry_nb == max_try or stability_test: log.error( f">>>>>>>>>> Test {retry_nb}/{max_try} failed <<<<<<<<<<" ) raise e # print counter only after failing test to avoid spamming the console">>>>>>>>>> Attempt: {retry_nb +1}/{max_try} <<<<<<<<<<") return func_wrapper return decorator
[docs]class BasicTest(unittest.TestCase): """Base for test-cases.""" def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize generic test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ # Initialize base class super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Save list of test auxiliaries to use (already initialize) self.test_auxiliary_list = aux_list or [] # Save test information self.test_suite_id = test_suite_id self.test_case_id = test_case_id self.test_ids = test_ids self.tag = tag if any([setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout]) and not isinstance( self, RemoteTest ): log.warning( "BasicTest does not support test timeouts, it will be discarded" )
[docs] def cleanup_and_skip(self, aux: AuxiliaryInterface, info_to_print: str) -> None: """Cleanup auxiliary and log reasons. :param aux: corresponding auxiliary to abort :param info_to_print: A message you want to print while cleaning up the test """ # Log error message log.critical(info_to_print) # Send aborts to corresponding auxiliary if aux.send_abort_command(timeout=10) is not True: log.critical(f"Error occurred during abort command on auxiliary {aux}")
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: """A class method called before tests in an individual class are run. This implementation is only mandatory to enable logging in junit report. The logging configuration has to be call inside test runner run, otherwise stdout is never caught. """ options = get_logging_options() if options.report_type == "junit": initialize_logging(None, options.log_level, options.report_type)
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: """Startup hook method to execute code before each test method.""" pass
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None: """Closure hook method to execute code after each test method.""" pass
[docs]class RemoteTest(BasicTest): """Base test-cases for Message Protocol / TestApp usage.""" response_timeout: int = 10 def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize TestApp test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ super().__init__( test_suite_id, test_case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, args, kwargs, ) self.setup_timeout = setup_timeout or RemoteTest.response_timeout self.run_timeout = run_timeout or RemoteTest.response_timeout self.teardown_timeout = teardown_timeout or RemoteTest.response_timeout
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_CASE_SETUP, timeout_cmd=5 ) def setUp(self) -> None: """Startup hook method to execute code before each test method.""" pass
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_CASE_RUN, timeout_cmd=5 ) def test_run(self) -> None: """Hook method from unittest in order to execute test case.""" pass
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_CASE_TEARDOWN, timeout_cmd=5 ) def tearDown(self) -> None: """Closure hook method to execute code after each test method.""" pass
[docs]def define_test_parameters( suite_id: int = 0, case_id: int = 0, aux_list: List[AuxiliaryInterface] = None, setup_timeout: Optional[int] = None, run_timeout: Optional[int] = None, teardown_timeout: Optional[int] = None, test_ids: Optional[dict] = None, tag: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, ): """Decorator to fill out test parameters of the BasicTest and RemoteTest automatically.""" def generate_modified_class(DecoratedClass): """For basic test-case, generates the same class but with the test IDs already filled. It works as a partially filled-out call to the __init__ method. """ class NewClass(DecoratedClass): """Modified {DecoratedClass.__name__}, with the __init__ method already filled out with the following test-parameters: Suite ID: {suite_id} Case ID: {case_id} Auxiliaries: {auxes} setup_timeout: {setup_timeout} run_timeout: {run_timeout} teardown_timeout: {teardown_timeout} test_ids: {test_ids} tag: {tag} """ @functools.wraps(DecoratedClass.__init__) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NewClass, self).__init__( suite_id, case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, args, kwargs, ) NewClass.__doc__ = NewClass.__doc__.format( DecoratedClass=DecoratedClass, suite_id=suite_id, case_id=case_id, auxes=[aux.__class__.__name__ for aux in aux_list or []], setup_timeout=setup_timeout, run_timeout=run_timeout, teardown_timeout=teardown_timeout, test_ids=test_ids, tag=tag, ) # Used to display the current test module in the test result NewClass.__module__ = DecoratedClass.__module__ # Passing the name of the decorated class to the new returned class # in order to get the test case name and references, i.e. suite_id and case_id # in the test results in the console and in the report. # Changing __name__ is necessary to make the test name appear in the test results in the console. # Changing __qualname__ is necessary to make the test name appear in the test results in the report. NewClass.__name__ = DecoratedClass.__name__ + f"-{suite_id}-{case_id}" NewClass.__qualname__ = DecoratedClass.__qualname__ + f"-{suite_id}-{case_id}" return NewClass return generate_modified_class