Source code for pykiso.test_coordinator.test_suite

# Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robert Bosch GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Test Suite

:module: test_suite

:synopsis: Create a generic test-suite based on the connected modules, and
gray test-suite for Message Protocol / TestApp usage.

.. currentmodule:: generic_test_suite

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import unittest
from import Iterable
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Union
from unittest.suite import _isnotsuite

from .. import message
from ..interfaces.thread_auxiliary import AuxiliaryInterface
from .test_message_handler import test_app_interaction

    from unittest.result import TestResult

    from .test_case import BasicTest

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseTestSuite(unittest.TestCase): response_timeout = 10 def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize generic test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ # Initialize base class super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Save test information self.test_auxiliary_list = aux_list or [] self.test_suite_id = test_suite_id self.test_case_id = test_case_id self.test_ids = test_ids self.tag = tag
[docs] def cleanup_and_skip(self, aux: AuxiliaryInterface, info_to_print: str): """Cleanup auxiliary and log reasons. :param aux: corresponding auxiliary to abort :param info_to_print: A message you want to print while cleaning up the test """ # Log error message log.critical(info_to_print) # Send aborts to corresponding auxiliary if aux.send_abort_command(timeout=10) is not True: log.critical(f"Error occurred during abort command on auxiliary {aux}")
[docs]class BasicTestSuiteSetup(BaseTestSuite): """Inherit from unittest testCase and represent setup fixture.""" def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize Message Protocol / TestApp test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ super().__init__( test_suite_id, test_case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, args, kwargs, ) if any([setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout]): log.warning( "BasicTestSuiteSetup does not support test timeouts, it will be discarded" )
[docs] def test_suite_setUp(self): """Test method for constructing the actual test suite.""" pass
[docs]class BasicTestSuiteTeardown(BaseTestSuite): """Inherit from unittest testCase and represent teardown fixture.""" def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize Message Protocol / TestApp test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ super().__init__( test_suite_id, test_case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, args, kwargs, ) if any([setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout]): log.warning( "BasicTestSuiteTeardown does not support test timeouts, it will be discarded" )
[docs] def test_suite_tearDown(self): """Test method for deconstructing the actual test suite after testing it.""" pass
[docs]class RemoteTestSuiteSetup(BasicTestSuiteSetup): """Inherit from unittest testCase and represent setup fixture when Message Protocol / TestApp is used. """ response_timeout = 10 def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize Message Protocol / TestApp test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ super().__init__( test_suite_id, test_case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, args, kwargs, ) self.setup_timeout = setup_timeout or RemoteTestSuiteSetup.response_timeout self.run_timeout = run_timeout or RemoteTestSuiteSetup.response_timeout self.teardown_timeout = ( teardown_timeout or RemoteTestSuiteSetup.response_timeout )
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_SUITE_SETUP, timeout_cmd=5 ) def test_suite_setUp(self): """Test method for constructing the actual test suite.""" pass
[docs]class RemoteTestSuiteTeardown(BasicTestSuiteTeardown): """Inherit from unittest testCase and represent teardown fixture when Message Protocol / TestApp is used. """ response_timeout = 10 def __init__( self, test_suite_id: int, test_case_id: int, aux_list: Union[List[AuxiliaryInterface], None], setup_timeout: Union[int, None], run_timeout: Union[int, None], teardown_timeout: Union[int, None], test_ids: Union[dict, None], tag: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None], args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize Message Protocol / TestApp test-case. :param test_suite_id: test suite identification number :param test_case_id: test case identification number :param aux_list: list of used auxiliaries :param setup_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during setup execution :param run_timeout: maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during test_run execution :param teardown_timeout: the maximum time (in seconds) used to wait for a report during teardown execution :param test_ids: jama references to get the coverage eg: {"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]} :param tag: dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed """ super().__init__( test_suite_id, test_case_id, aux_list, setup_timeout, run_timeout, teardown_timeout, test_ids, tag, args, kwargs, ) self.setup_timeout = setup_timeout or RemoteTestSuiteTeardown.response_timeout self.run_timeout = run_timeout or RemoteTestSuiteTeardown.response_timeout self.teardown_timeout = ( teardown_timeout or RemoteTestSuiteTeardown.response_timeout )
[docs] @test_app_interaction( message_type=message.MessageCommandType.TEST_SUITE_TEARDOWN, timeout_cmd=5 ) def test_suite_tearDown(self): """Test method for deconstructing the actual test suite after testing it.""" pass
[docs]class BasicTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite): """Inherit from the unittest framework test-suite but build it for our integration tests.""" def __init__( self, modules_to_add_dir: str, test_filter_pattern: str, test_suite_id: int, args: tuple, kwargs: dict, ): """Initialize our custom unittest-test-suite. .. note:: 1. Will Load from the given path the integration test modules under test 2. Sort the given test case list by test suite/case id 3. Place Test suite setup and teardown respectively at top and bottom of test case list 4. Add sorted test case list to test suite """ # Mother class initialization super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # load test from the specified folder loader = unittest.TestLoader() found_modules =, pattern=test_filter_pattern) # sort the test case list by ascendant using test suite and test case id test_case_list = sorted(flatten(found_modules), key=tc_sort_key) # add sorted test case list to test suite self.addTests(test_case_list) self.failed_suite_setups = set()
[docs] def check_suite_setup_failed(self, test: BasicTest, result: TestResult) -> None: """Check if the suite setup has failed and store failed suite id. Search in the global unittest result object, which save all the results of the tests performed up to that point, for a BasicTestSuiteSetup tests which has failed. If the suite setup has failed store the suite id. :param test: test to check :param result: unittest result object """ if isinstance(test, BasicTestSuiteSetup): for suite_type, _ in result.failures: if isinstance(suite_type, BasicTestSuiteSetup): self.failed_suite_setups.add(test.test_suite_id)
[docs] def run(self, result: TestResult, debug: bool = False) -> TestResult: """Override run method from unittest.suite.TestSuite. Added functionality: Skip suite tests if the parent test suite setup has failed. :param result: unittest result storage :param debug: True to enter debug mode, defaults to False :return: test suite result """ topLevel = False if getattr(result, "_testRunEntered", False) is False: result._testRunEntered = topLevel = True for index, test in enumerate(self): if result.shouldStop: # pragma: no cover break if _isnotsuite(test): self._tearDownPreviousClass(test, result) self._handleModuleFixture(test, result) self._handleClassSetUp(test, result) result._previousTestClass = test.__class__ if getattr(test.__class__, "_classSetupFailed", False) or getattr( result, "_moduleSetUpFailed", False ): # pragma: no cover continue if not debug: if test.test_suite_id in self.failed_suite_setups: result.addSkip( test, f"Suite Setup failed for test suite {test.test_suite_id}", ) else: test(result) self.check_suite_setup_failed(test, result) else: # pragma: no cover test.debug() if self._cleanup: self._removeTestAtIndex(index) if topLevel: self._tearDownPreviousClass(None, result) self._handleModuleTearDown(result) result._testRunEntered = False return result
def tc_sort_key(tc): """Sort-key for testcases. will sort by test-suite/test-case, but the setup will always be first, the teardown will always be last. :param tc: a Base or Remote TestSuite/TestCase to rank :return: key for :py:func:`sorted` :raises: any exception that occurs during test loading """ fix_ind = 0 if isinstance(tc, (BasicTestSuiteSetup, RemoteTestSuiteSetup)): fix_ind = -1 elif isinstance(tc, (BasicTestSuiteTeardown, RemoteTestSuiteTeardown)): fix_ind = 1 elif isinstance(tc, unittest.loader._FailedTest): # breakpoint() raise tc._exception return (fix_ind, tc.test_suite_id, tc.test_case_id) def flatten(it): """Flatten all level of nesting. :param it: nested iterable :return: first not nested items """ for x in it: if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes)): yield from flatten(x) else: yield x