User Guide


  • Python 3.7+

  • pip


pip install pykiso

Poetry is more appropriate for developers as it automatically creates virtual environments.

git clone
cd kiso-testing
poetry install
poetry shell


Once installed the application is bound to pykiso, it can be called with the following arguments:

$ pykiso --help
Usage: pykiso [OPTIONS]

  Embedded Integration Test Framework - CLI Entry Point.

  TAG Filters: any additional option to be passed to the test as tag through
  the pykiso call. Multiple values must be separated with a comma.

  For example: pykiso -c your_config.yaml --branch-level dev,master
  --variant delta

  -c, --test-configuration-file FILE
                                  path to the test configuration file (in YAML
                                  format)  [required]

  -l, --log-path PATH             path to log-file or folder. If not set will
                                  log to STDOUT

                                  set the verbosity of the logging
  --junit                         enables the generation of a junit report
  --text                          default, test results are only displayed in
                                  the console

  --step-report PATH              generate the step report at the specified

  --failfast                      stop the test run on the first error or

  -v, --verbose                   activate the internal framework logs
  -p, --pattern TEXT              test filter pattern, e.g. ''
                                  or 'test_*.py'. It will be applied to all
                                  defined test suites.

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: AuxiliaryInterface will be deprecated in a few releases!
  "AuxiliaryInterface will be deprecated in a few releases!", category=FutureWarning

Suitable config files are available in the examples folder.

Demo using example config

pykiso -c ./examples/dummy.yaml --log-level=DEBUG -l killme.log

Test Configuration File

The test configuration files are written in YAML.

Let’s use an example to understand the structure.

 2  aux1:
 3    connectors:
 4        com: chan1
 5    config: null
 6    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.dut_auxiliary:DUTAuxiliary
 7  aux2:
 8    connectors:
 9        com:   chan2
10    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.dut_auxiliary:DUTAuxiliary
11  aux3:
12    connectors:
13        com:   chan4
14        flash: chan3
15    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.dut_auxiliary:DUTAuxiliary
17  chan1:
18    config: null
19    type: ext_lib/
20  chan2:
21    type: ext_lib/
22  chan4:
23    type: ext_lib/
24  chan3:
25    config: null
26    type: pykiso.lib.connectors.cc_flasher_example:FlasherExample
28- suite_dir: test_suite_1
29  test_filter_pattern: '*.py'
30  test_suite_id: 1
31- suite_dir: test_suite_2
32  test_filter_pattern: '*.py'
33  test_suite_id: 2
36  - pykiso : '>=0.10.1'
37  - robotframework : 3.2.2
38  - pyyaml: any


The connector definition is a named list (dictionary in python) of key-value pairs, namely config and type.

        com:   chan4
        flash: chan3
    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.dut_auxiliary:DUTAuxiliary
    config: null
    type: ext_lib/
    type: ext_lib/

The channel alias will identify this configuration for the auxiliaries.

The config can be omitted, null, or any number of key-value pairs.

The type consists of a module location and a class name that is expected to be found in the module. The location can be a path to a python file (Win/Linux, relative/absolute) or a python module on the python path (e.h. pykiso.lib.connectors.cc_uart).

<chan>:                      # channel alias
    config:                  # channel config, optional
        <key>: <value>       # collection of key-value pairs, e.g. "port: 80"
    type: <module:Class>     # location of the python class that represents this channel


The auxiliary definition is a named list (dictionary in python) of key-value pairs, namely config, connectors and type.

        com: chan1
    config: null
    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.dut_auxiliary:DUTAuxiliary
        com:   chan2
    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.dut_auxiliary:DUTAuxiliary

The auxiliary alias will identify this configuration for the testcases. When running the tests the testcases can import an auxiliary instance defined here using

from pykiso.auxiliaries import <alias>

The connectors can be omitted, null, or any number of role-connector pairs. The roles are defined in the auxiliary implementation, usual examples are com and flash. The channel aliases are the ones you defined in the connectors section above.

The config can be omitted, null, or any number of key-value pairs.

The type consists of a module location and a class name that is expected to be found in the module. The location can be a path to a python file (Win/Linux, relative/absolute) or a python module on the python path (e.h. pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.communication_auxiliary).

<aux>:                           # aux alias
    connectors:                  # list of connectors this auxiliary needs
        <role>: <channel-alias>  # <role> has to be the name defined in the Auxiliary class,
                                 #  <channel-alias> is the alias defined above
    config:                      # channel config, optional
        <key>: <value>           # collection of key-value pairs, e.g. "port: 80"
    type: <module:Class>         # location of the python class that represents this auxiliary

Test Suites

The test suite definition is a list of key-value pairs.

    type: ext_lib/
    config: null
    type: pykiso.lib.connectors.cc_flasher_example:FlasherExample
- suite_dir: test_suite_1
  test_filter_pattern: '*.py'
  test_suite_id: 1
- suite_dir: test_suite_2
  test_filter_pattern: '*.py'
  test_suite_id: 2

Each test suite consists of a test_suite_id, a suite_dir and a test_filter_pattern.

For fast test development, the test_filter_pattern can be overwritten from the command line in order to e.g. execute a single test file inside the suite_dir using the CLI argument -p or –pattern:

..code:: bash

pykiso -c dummy.yaml -p

Requirements specification

[optional] - Any package specified will be checked.

Use cases:

  • A new feature is introduced and used in the test

  • Breaking change introduced with a new release

  • Specific package used in a test that does not belong to pykiso

#__________________________ Requirements section ________________________
# FEATURE: Check the environment before running the tests
# The version can be:
#   - specified alone (minimum version accepted)
#   - conditioned using <, <=, >, >=, == or !=
#   - no specified using 'any' (accept any version)
# /!\: If the check fail, the tests will not start and the mismatch
#      displayed
  - pykiso: '>=0.10.1, <1.0.0'
  - robotframework: 3.2.2
  - pyyaml: any

Real-World Configuration File

 2  DUT:
 3    connectors:
 4        com: uart
 5    config: null
 6    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.example_test_auxiliary:ExampleAuxiliary
 8  uart:
 9    config:
10      serialPort: COM3
11    type: pykiso.lib.connectors.cc_uart:CCUart
13- suite_dir: test_suite_1
14  test_filter_pattern: '*.py'
15  test_suite_id: 1

Activation of specific loggers

By default, every logger that does not belong to the pykiso package or that is not an auxiliary logger will see its level set to WARNING even if you have in the command line pykiso –log-level DEBUG.

This aims to reduce redundant logs from additional modules during the test execution. For keeping specific loggers to the set log-level, it is possible to set the activate_log parameter in the auxiliary config. The following example activates the jlink logger from the pylink package, imported in

      com: rtt_channel
      # only specifying pylink will include child loggers
      - pylink.jlink
      - my_pkg
    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.dut_auxiliary:DUTAuxiliary
    config: null
    type: pykiso.lib.connectors.cc_rtt_segger:CCRttSegger

Based on this example, by specifying my_pkg, all child loggers will also be set to the set log-level.


If e.g. only the logger my_pkg.module_1 should be set to the level, it should be entered as such.

Ability to use environment variables

It is possible to replace any value by an environment variable in the YAML files. When using environment variables, the following format should be respected: ENV{my-env-var}. In the following example, an environment variable called TEST_SUITE_1 contains the path to the test suite 1 directory.

- suite_dir: ENV{TEST_SUITE_1}
  test_filter_pattern: '*.py'
  test_suite_id: 1
- suite_dir: ENV{TEST_SUITE_2=./test_suite_2}

It is also possible to set a default value in case the environment variable is not found. The following format should be used: ENV{my-env-var=my_default_value}.

In the following example, an environment variable called TEST_SUITE_2 would contain the path to the test_suite_2 directory. If the variable is not set, the default value will be taken instead.

    config: null

Specify files and folders

To specify files and folders you can use absolute or relative paths. Relative paths are always given relative to the location of the yaml file.

According to the YAML specification, values enclosed in single quotes are enforced as strings, and will not be parsed.

    # this relative path will not be made absolute
    rel_script_path_unresolved: './script_folder/'
    # this one will
    rel_script_path: ./script_folder/
    abs_script_path_win: C:/script_folder/
    abs_script_path_unix: /home/usr/script_folder/


Relative path or file locations must always start with ./. If not, it will still be resolved but unexpected behaviour can result from it.

Include sub-YAMLs

Frequently used configuration parts can be stored in a separate YAML file. To include this configuration file in the main one, the path to the sub-configuration file has to be provided, preceded with the !include tag.

Relative paths in the sub-YAML file are then resolved relative to the sub-YAML’s location.

#__________________________ Connectors section _________________________
# FEATURE : yaml in yaml
# In order to call a yaml file inside a other yaml file, the special
# tag !include has to be used. The path could be in a relative or
# absolute form.
  <chan>: !include ./channel_config/my_channel_config.yaml

Make a proxy auxiliary trace

Proxy auxiliary is capable of creating a trace file, where all received messages at connector level are written. This feature is useful when proxy auxiliary is associated with a connector who doesn’t have any trace capability (in contrast to cc_pcan_can or cc_rtt_segger for example).

Everything is handled at configuration level and especially at yaml file :

    # communication channel alias
    com: <channel-alias>
    # Auxiliaries alias list bound to proxy auxiliary
    aux_list : [<aux alias 1>, <aux alias 2>, <aux alias 3>]
    # activate trace at proxy level, sniff everything received at
    # connector level and write it in .log file.
    activate_trace : True
    # by default the trace is placed where pykiso is launched
    # otherwise user should specify his own path
    # (absolute and relative)
    trace_dir: ./suite_proxy
    # by default the trace file's name is :
    # YY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss_proxy_logging.log
    # otherwise user should specify his own name
    trace_name: can_trace
  type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.proxy_auxiliary:ProxyAuxiliary

Delay an auxiliary start-up

All threaded auxiliaries are capable to delay their start-up (not starting at import level). This means, from user point of view, it’s possible to start it on demand and especially where it’s really needed.


in a proxy set-up be sure to always start the proxy auxiliary last otherwise an error will occurred due to proxy auxiliary specific import rules

In order to achieved that, a parameter was added at the auxiliary configuration level.

        com: can_channel
      aux_list : [aux1, aux2]
      activate_trace : True
      trace_dir: ./suite_proxy
      trace_name: can_trace
      # if False create the auxiliary instance but don't start it, an
      # additional call of start method has to be performed.
      # By default, auto_start flag is set to True and "normal" ITF aux
      # creation mechanism is used.
      auto_start: False
    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.proxy_auxiliary:ProxyAuxiliary
        com: proxy_com1
      auto_start: False
    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.communication_auxiliary:CommunicationAuxiliary
        com: proxy_com2
      auto_start: False
    type: pykiso.lib.auxiliaries.communication_auxiliary:CommunicationAuxiliary

In user’s script simply call the related auxilairy start method:

    used for sending and the other one for the reception

    def setUp(self):
        """If a fixture is not use just override it like below."""
            f"--------------- SETUP: {self.test_suite_id}, {self.test_case_id} ---------------"