How to make the most of the tests

Define the test information (in addition)

Assign test requirements to test cases

In order to link the architecture requirement to the test, an additional reference can be added into the test_run decorator:

  • test_ids: optional requirements linked to the test that need to be defined as follow:

{"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"], "Component2": ["Req3"]}

These test IDs will then be added to the generated XML or HTML report in order to be linked to general test requirements.

Filter the test cases to run with tags

In order to run only a subset of tests, an additional reference can be added to the test_run decorator:

  • tag: optional dictionary of tag name-value pairs defined as:

{"variant": ["variant2", "variant1"], "branch_level": ["daily"]}

Note that these tag names are only examples. Pykiso accepts any tag name, as long as their name does not collide with default command line option names.

Based on the tags you provide as CLI options, only the tests fulfilling the following conditions will be run:

  • tests that don’t define any tag

  • tests that define all provided tag names with at least one matching tag value for each of the tag names.

The only limitation is to always specify you tags as options in the CLI, i.e. as pairs of tag name and tag value. Multiple tag values for a single tag name simply need to be comma-separated (without whitespace).


The cli will only allow you to use the character - instead of _ for tags. If you call for example --branch-level in the cli, you can use following corresponding tags in your test case: branch-level, branch_level or branchlevel.

Find below an example of such a CLI invocation:

pykiso -c configuration_file --variant var1,var2 --branch-level daily,nightly
Execution table for test case tags and cli tag arguments

CLI Tags

Test case Tags





--branch-level nightly

"branch-level": ["daily", "nightly"]


--branch-level nightly,daily

"branch_level": ["daily"]


--branch-level nightly,daily

"branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"]


--branch-level other

"branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"]

--branch-level daily --variant var1

"branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"]

--branch-level daily

"variant": ["var1"]

--variant var1

"branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"], "variant": ["var1"]


--variant var2

"branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"], "variant": ["var1"]

--branch-level nightly

"branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"], "variant": ["var1"]


--branch-level daily --variant var1

"branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"], "variant": ["var1"]


--branch-level daily --variant var42

"branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"], "variant": ["var1"]

Find below a full example for a test suite/case declaration :

Add test suite setup fixture, run once at test suite's beginning.
Test Suite Setup Information:
-> suite_id : set to 1
-> case_id : Parameter case_id is not mandatory for setup.
-> aux_list : used aux1 and aux2 is used
@pykiso.define_test_parameters(suite_id=1, aux_list=[aux1, aux2])
class SuiteSetup(pykiso.BasicTestSuiteSetup):
    def test_suite_setUp():"I HAVE RUN THE TEST SUITE SETUP!")
        if aux1.not_properly_configured():

Add test suite teardown fixture, run once at test suite's end.
Test Suite Teardown Information:
-> suite_id : set to 1
-> case_id : Parameter case_id is not mandatory for setup.
-> aux_list : used aux1 and aux2 is used
@pykiso.define_test_parameters(suite_id=1, aux_list=[aux1, aux2])
class SuiteTearDown(pykiso.BasicTestSuiteTeardown):
    def test_suite_tearDown():"I HAVE RUN THE TEST SUITE TEARDOWN!")

Add a test case 1 from test suite 1 using auxiliary 1.
    Test Suite Teardown Information:
-> suite_id : set to 1
-> case_id : set to 1
-> aux_list : used aux1 and aux2 is used
-> test_ids: [optional] store the requirements into the report
-> tag: [optional] dictionary containing lists of variants and/or test levels when only a subset of tests needs to be executed
        aux_list=[aux1, aux2],
        test_ids={"Component1": ["Req1", "Req2"]},
        tag={"variant": ["variant2", "variant1"], "branch_level": ["daily", "nightly"]},
class MyTest(pykiso.BasicTest):

Implementation of Advanced Tests - Auxiliary Interaction

Using the dynamic importing capabilities of the framework we can interact with the auxiliaries directly.

For this test we will assume that we have configured a CommunicationAuxiliary and a connector that supports raw messaging.

send a message, receive a response, compare to expected response
import pykiso
from pykiso.auxiliaries import com_aux

@pykiso.define_test_parameters(suite_id=2, case_id=1, aux_list=[com_aux])
class ComTest(pykiso.BasicTest):

    STIMULUS = b"stimulus message"
    RESPONSE = b"expected reply"

    def test_run(self):
        resp = com_aux.receive_message()
        self.assertEqual(resp, RESPONSE)

We can use the configured and instantiated auxiliary com_aux (imported by it’s alias) in the test directly.

Implementation of Advanced Tests - Custom Setup

If you need to have more complex tests, you can do the following:

  • BasicTest is a specific implementation of unittest.TestCase therefore it contains 2 steps/methods setUp() and tearDown() that can be overwritten.

  • BasicTest will contain the list of auxiliaries you can use. It will be hold in the attribute test_auxiliary_list.

  • BasicTest also contains the following information test_section_id, test_suite_id, test_case_id.

  • Import logging or/and message (if needed) to communicate with the auxiliary (in that case use RemoteTest instead of BasicTest)

I want to run the following tests documented in the following test-specs <TEST_CASE_SPECS>.
import pykiso
from pykiso import message
from pykiso.auxiliaries import aux1

@pykiso.define_test_parameters(suite_id=2, case_id=1, aux_list=[aux1])
class MyTest(pykiso.BasicTest):
    def setUp(self):
        # I loop through all the auxiliaries
        for aux in self.test_auxiliary_list:
            if == "aux1": # If I find the auxiliary to which I need to send a special message, I compose the message and send it.
                # Compose the message to send with some additional information
                tlv = {TEST_REPORT: "Give me something"}
                testcase_setup_special_message = message.Message(
                # Send the message
                aux.run_command(testcase_setup_special_message, blocking=True, timeout_in_s=10)
            else: # Do not forget to send a setup message to the other auxiliaries!
                # Compose the normal message
                testcase_setup_basic_message = message.Message(
                # Send the message
                aux.run_command(testcase_setup_basic_message, blocking=True, timeout_in_s=10)

Implementation of Advanced Tests - Test Templates

Because we are python based, you can until some extend, design and implement parts of the framework to fulfil your needs. For example:

import pykiso
from pykiso import message
from pykiso.auxiliaries import aux1

class MyTestTemplate(pykiso.BasicTest):
    def test_run(self):
        # Prepare message to send
        testcase_run_message = message.Message(
        # Send test start through all auxiliaries
        for aux in self.test_auxiliary_list:
            if aux.run_command(testcase_run_message, blocking=True, timeout_in_s=10) is not True:
                self.cleanup_and_skip("{} could not be run!".format(aux))
        # Device will reboot, wait for the reboot report
        for aux in self.test_auxiliary_list:
            if == "DeviceUnderTest":
                report = aux.wait_and_get_report(blocking=True, timeout_in_s=10) # Wait for a report from the DeviceUnderTest
        # Check if the report for the reboot was received.
        if (
            report is not None
            and report.get_message_type() == message.MessageType.REPORT
            and report.get_message_sub_type() == message.MessageReportType.TEST_PASS
            pass # We can continue
            self.cleanup_and_skip("Device failed rebooting")
        # Loop until all reports are received
        list_of_aux_with_received_reports = [False]*len(self.test_auxiliary_list)
        while False in list_of_aux_with_received_reports:
            # Loop through all auxiliaries
            for i, aux in enumerate(self.test_auxiliary_list):
                if list_of_aux_with_received_reports[i] == False:
                    # Wait for a report
                    reported_message = aux.wait_and_get_report()
                    # Check the received message
                    list_of_aux_with_received_reports[i] = self.evaluate_message(aux, reported_message)

@pykiso.define_test_parameters(suite_id=3, case_id=1, aux_list=[aux1])
class MyTest(MyTestTemplate):

@pykiso.define_test_parameters(suite_id=3, case_id=2, aux_list=[aux1])
class MyTest2(MyTestTemplate):

Implementation of Advanced Tests - Continue a test case on a failed assertion

The Python unittest framework has a built-in solution in order to isolate assertions from the rest of the test: the subTest.

@pykiso.define_test_parameters(suite_id=1, case_id=1)
class MyTest1(pykiso.BasicTest):
    """Simple test case example that shows a possible usage of subTest."""

    def test_run(self):
        In this test case we want to perform assertions that won't interrupt
        the execution when failing by using subTest.
        with self.subTest("Verify that 1 == 2"):
            self.assertEqual(1, 2)"The rest of the test case will still be executed")

Implementation of Advanced Tests - Repeat testCases

pykiso.retry_test_case(max_try=2, rerun_setup=False, rerun_teardown=False, stability_test=False)[source]

Decorator: retry mechanism for testCase.

The aim is to cover the 2 following cases:

  • Unstable test : get the test pass within the {max_try} attempt

  • Stability test : run {max_try} time the test expecting no error

The retry_test_case comes with the possibility to re-run the setUp and tearDown methods automatically.

  • max_try (int) – maximum number of try to get the test pass.

  • rerun_setup (bool) – call the “setUp” method of the test.

  • rerun_teardown (bool) – call the “tearDown” method of the test.

  • stability_test (bool) – run {max_try} time the test and raise an exception if an error occurs.


None, a testCase is not supposed to return anything.


Exception – if stability_test, the exception that occurred during the execution; if not stability_test, the exception that occurred at the last try.

# define an external iterator that can be used for retry_test_case demo
side_effect = cycle([False, False, True])

class MyTest1(pykiso.BasicTest):
    """This test case definition will override the setUp, test_run and tearDown method."""

    def setUp(self):
        """Hook method from unittest in order to execute code before test case run.

        In this case the default setUp method is implemented, allowing us to apply the
        retry_test_case's decorator.

    @pykiso.retry_test_case(max_try=5, rerun_setup=True, rerun_teardown=False)
    def test_run(self):
        """In this case the default test_run method is overridden and
        instead of calling test_run from BasicTest class the following
        code is called.

        Here, the test pass at the 3rd attempt out of 5. The setup and
        tearDown methods are called for each attempt.
        self.assertTrue(next(side_effect))"I HAVE RUN 0.1.1 for variant {self.variant}!")

    @pykiso.retry_test_case(max_try=3, stability_test=True)
    def tearDown(self):
        """Hook method from unittest in order to execute code after the test case ran.

        In this case the default tearDown method is implemented, allowing us to apply the
        retry_test_case's decorator.

        The retry_test_case has stability test activated, so the tearDown method will
        be run 3 times.

Test verbosity

pykiso -c <config_file>

To let the user decide which information they want to see in their logs, new log levels have been defined. When launched normally, only the logs from the tests and the framework errors will be active. The option -v (–verbose) should be used to display the internal logs of the framework:

pykiso -c <config_file> -v


pykiso -c <config_file> --verbose

Three internal log levels are available: INTERNAL_INFO, INTERNAL_DEBUG, INTERNAL_WARNING. They will then be activated depending on the value of the–log-level option. Error logs level will always be logged, internal or not.

The summary of the activated logs depending of the value of the –log-level and –verbose options can be found in the following table:

verbose == True

verbose == False

log-level == DEBUG



log-level == INFO



log-level == WARNING



log-level == ERROR



Run single tests

Test case can be selected with the -p or –pattern flag. Here is an example to just override the test file:

pykiso -c dummy.yaml -p

It is also possible to select single or multiple test cases by extending the pattern. Test classes and single test methods can be selected. The pattern can consist 3 elements separated by a “::”. Each element is a unix file name pattern.

The elements are file_name::test_class_name::test_method_name

Here some examples:

#select a single test
pykiso -c dummy.yaml -p

#select all test methods which begins with test_
pykiso -c dummy.yaml -p*

#select all test classes which starts with Test and run method test_run1
pykiso -c dummy.yaml -p*::test_run1

#use file pattern from yaml file and select all test classes and run method test_run1
pykiso -c dummy.yaml -p ::*::test_run1